Image Optimisation and Why it’s Important for Your Website in 2020

Image optimisation can and will play a massive part in how fast your website will load. This is important on both desktop and mobile devices. There is increasing evidence that fast sites rank better in the SERPs – speed matters.
Fear not! This week Daniel will share how you can quickly improve your image optimisation and achieve great immediate benefits for your site.
Image Optimisation
Image optimisation plays a big part in the speed of your website and is very much connected to the technical SEO of any site.
The optimisation is about optimising the size, not the dimensions. This is to ensure it takes up the least amount of file space on your site.
If you’re uploading multiple images onto a page that are viewed on a mobile device the page is going to load really slowly.
Nobody wants to wait for this to happen. The negative effects can be immediate – you’ll lose a potential customer and they won’t be back.
Statistics Don’t Lie!
According to our friends over at HubSpot:
- 79% of shoppers are less likely to buy from a website that loads slowly
- They also discovered that 64% of smart phone users expect a page to load in under 4 seconds, and 49% in under 2 seconds.
- Most frighteningly a 1% delay can mean a 7% reduction in visitor conversions.
Don’t miss out on all these potential sales, enquires or advocates for your business
Obviously we don’t want to negatively impact the visual impact of any image. There are a few things that we can do to changes reduce image loading time.
- If you have an internal designer they’ll be able to utilise in-house software such as Photoshop and a function called ‘export for web’
- Alternatively you can use simple online tools such as TinyJPG. Just feed the images in and all the compression is done for you, with no noticeable loss of quality.
If you already have a website team you work with they’ll be able to sort your images out. If you’re not confident with them or doing it yourself then feel free to get in touch and we can help you out.
Once you’ve sorted your images out you’ll be amazed at how much faster your site is. That will have immediate benefits for both you and your customers!